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The laser device sends light pulses into the epidermis and dermis, while leaving the stratum corneum in place. This allows for healthy tissue to survive, which allows for a quick recovery. Downtime with the Palomar Icon® laser skin resurfacing is 24 to 48 hours, as compared to a week with intense peels or use of CO2 devices, which can have a downtime of 10 days or more.

Is Palomar skin resurfacing laser treatment painful?

No, most people find that a Palomar laser session is comfortable. The Palomar laser has a unique sapphire cooling tip that cools the skin before, during and after each pulse light, making the treatment comfortable to most people. Most patients describe the treatment as having a mild “snapping” sensation or sunburn sensation.



You will experience some redness, swelling, or tightness to the treated area, which usually lessens within a few hours of the treatment. The skin may often have a pinkish tone for 2 to 4 days. A series of treatments at 3 to 6 week intervals is recommended to achieve the desired results. The “fractional” treatment of the skin creates seamless, radiant skin without the unwanted side effects associated with other skin resurfacing technology.

Benefits of Laser skin resurfacing:

• Improves tone, texture and pore size.
• Erases unwanted brown spots.
• Smoothes acne and surgical scars.
• Removes fine lines and wrinkles
• Rejuvenates neck, chest and hands.




  • Have a gentle gentle cleanser handy for afterward, we have several for purchase

  • No caffeine for 4 hours before your treatment

  • Wear comfortable clothes

  • Arrive with no make-up, lotions, sunscreens or eye contacts

  • Bring a wide brimmed hat to your appointment to wear after your treatment.

  • Tendency to hyperpigment? Talk to your technician about starting a bleaching regimen four weeks before your treatment series


Laser skin resurfacing improves:

• Periorbital wrinkles
• Dyschromia
• Melasma
• Pigmentation
• Acne Scars
• Brown Spots




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